Category: Web Development

  • Everything I’ve Learned Building an AI App

    From my experience using Open AI to build an AI Assistant, hopefully it’s helpful! First, the main concepts of AI and LLMs, in plain english. There’s a lot of complicated terms about LLMs like memory, agents, threads, system prompts, functions, embedding, tools, etc. I was super confused about this at first. It’s actually very simple,…

  • Why we chose static CSS for our React component library

    I’ve been building a headless React component library with my team, and we had to pick a way to style our components. We evaluated several options, including Styled Components, Tailwind, and Vanilla Extract. We ended up going with static CSS, here’s why. CSS-in-JS is slow Our first requirement was that we didn’t want to use…

  • Create a Polymorphic Component with Typescript and React

    A polymorphic component can change into any element based on how you use it. For example, you can create a Box component that will render a div, label, input, button, or any HTML element. This is typically done with an “as” or “is” prop: Why would you want to do this? If you are creating…